Wonder XO - 000_Spectral_ Design

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cover/thumbnail designed by vai5000.

000_SPECTRAL_DESIGN is an amalgamation of the sound that Wonder XO has defined himself with over the past 4 years of experimentation and discovery, mutating the styles of producers he was inspired by as a kid into nearly unrecognizable forms. These forms slowly underwent proliferation and, through the process of differentiation, evolved into 226 individual .wav files. Categorized and filed into a .zip file, his experiments were locked away, never to be touched by any human for fear of what people may attempt with its power. Until today.

This kit contains:

30 basses, 20 kicks, 10 claps, 10 rims, 20 snares, 10 spectral hats, 10 closed hats, 10 open hats, 14 noise samples, 17 granulated textures/mudpies, 22 water sfx/textures, 20 drone samples (includes drone bass, drone pads, distortion/texture pads, etc.), 10 perc loops, 10 falls, 10 risers, 3 bass drops

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Wonder XO - 000_Spectral_ Design

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